Wednesday, February 9, 2011


The world works with lots of principles but the most that fascinate me most is the principle of cause and effect, the principle so much work that it has been related to virtually all works of life; science, Arts and even ethics and religion have relate principles to the effect of cause and effect.This principles states that for every action there is a reaction. For everything I do there is a resulting effect, that will come with my action, hence this could suggest to me that I can seemingly create my world, that is I can determine where I want to be or what I want from life by painstaking choosing what I do, This will tell me that I must choose what I do and must make sure I don't do what everybody does so far I do not want to go where everybody is going. Cause and effect works in a very simple way, It will mean that if I want to be a music legend like Micheal Jackson, then I must take rehearsals seriously, and if being the world footballer of the year is my flair then football pitch should be where I spend the most of my time, and if I want to be a professor of mathematics I have to be able to massage figures. This in my opinion makes the WORLD FAIR.


  1. I guess the world is fair after all even when we try to fight the idea...good write up
