Saturday, February 26, 2011


Am a small lad, living in a small city, in a small country, in fact my country is grouped with the smallest countries of the world.
I grow to know that there are so many problems the world face, and sometimes the existence of human beings are even threatened talk less of that of animals and plants alike.
Sincerely, I really don’t like living in a world that bad news of calamity, strife, restiveness, unrest, anarchy, war and atrocities would be the good news that would bring good money to news agencies. Hence I wonder how can I influence my WORLD and contribute to the WORLD I live in positively. In my thought “but I am just a small boy, from a small city, in a small country”. How then can my small environment make a meaningful big impact, how can I help with the tornado and bushfire pertinent in Australia, the Haiti storm, or the unrest in the middle east, with increasingly suicide bombers which also includes children, I wonder if those children really know what they are doing. In this state of mind, I am forced to conclude that there is no way my impact could be felt in such big situations, just then do I remember the story of Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela, both of which are so to say relegated in the society they lived in but, with the their strength of action and persistence they were able to change not only the cause of their life but the cause of lives around them and generations to come and those yet unborn.
I therefore charge you this day that you might not be named Martin Luther King or Madiba of South Africa, but your little contribution to better the lots of those around you, could be the ginger that will birth the next Bill Gates, Ben Carson, Frederick Smith, Oprah Winfrey, Larry Page, Johnny Cash, Carlos Slim, Michael Dell and all the names we will like to remember for their remarkable deeds.
If you will start adding positive values to the person next to you, in my opinion you are the SOLUTION TO THE WORLDS PROBLEMS.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


As described in the earlier post the world seems to be fair in principle, particularly the principle we considered ‘Cause and effect’ however, the World as presented to each of us different opportunity and circumstances of which we do not determine as an individual but this is usually as a result of where we find ourselves, in as much as the world has principles to guide us in achieving our desires it sometimes seems as if we are not given equal advantage in life.
If anybody applies any principle correctly, the effect is inevitable (all things been equal), irrespective of location. However I have discovered that it’s what you know, you apply, and it is what you apply, that you expects its result, which will definitely change the cause of your life. Hence this bring me to the conclusion that ‘KNOWLEDGE is POWER’.
I have also observe that where you are could influence what you know unconsciously, which means that if am well positioned I could know what to do to improve my situation provided I know what “CAUSE” to apply to provoke it’s “EFFECTS” which will be my desired result.
Hence this brings me to the second conclusion that the world may not be seen as fair afterwards, if someone could be born with a silver spoon in New York city or in Buckingham Palace, and another born in rural area like inner-city Zimbabwe then, they might not know the same thing after all at the early stage of their birth. In as much as this seems logical, there is a way mother nature does things which makes repositioning of anybody willing, and able to pay the sacrifice becomes possible, and then maybe due to the upbringing, most times most people that reposition their self are always better off, the so called people born with a silver spoon.
You might think you are among the impoverished due to your location, but if you could pay the price of repositioning and diligently apply the principles required to change your circumstances then you might be surprised at how you will dramatically change your world and ultimately arrive at your DREAM LAND.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


The world works with lots of principles but the most that fascinate me most is the principle of cause and effect, the principle so much work that it has been related to virtually all works of life; science, Arts and even ethics and religion have relate principles to the effect of cause and effect.This principles states that for every action there is a reaction. For everything I do there is a resulting effect, that will come with my action, hence this could suggest to me that I can seemingly create my world, that is I can determine where I want to be or what I want from life by painstaking choosing what I do, This will tell me that I must choose what I do and must make sure I don't do what everybody does so far I do not want to go where everybody is going. Cause and effect works in a very simple way, It will mean that if I want to be a music legend like Micheal Jackson, then I must take rehearsals seriously, and if being the world footballer of the year is my flair then football pitch should be where I spend the most of my time, and if I want to be a professor of mathematics I have to be able to massage figures. This in my opinion makes the WORLD FAIR.